Saturday, August 28, 2010

I Wish

I Wish

By: Kelly

I wish that you would understand
Even just a fraction of my heart,
My worries, my pain,
Even just a hint
Please just understand why my heart feels so heavy in my chest each day…

I wish life was like a book
Where we can clearly see the end
Where the words “and they lived happily ever after” is written at every ending
No matter the hardships,
No matter the pain
No matter how twisted things get…
They always work out.
Even a math text book would be fine…
I only wish that we can all flip to the back of the book,
And find all our answers there…

I wish I didn’t have to feel this way
This guilt that I’ve let you down,
Let myself down…
This sense of loneliness that’s buried so deep in my heart

I wish I can cry into someone’s arms,
I am tired of facing this alone…
Tired of biting back my sobs and swallowing them once again…
Tired of hiding my tears…
I’m not who you think I am,
I’m not strong; I am not the solution to all your problems…
I am not that person…
So please stop forcing me…

I wish we didn’t have to argue,
I wish we could see eye to eye
No matter how hard I try
No matter how much I explain…
Our opinions never seem to match…
It’s useless, so I’ve given up,

I wish I wasn’t me,
If I could live another life,
Any other life.
It would be better than facing the reality I know now.

I wish…
I wish…
There is so many things wish for…
On stars, the moon, my tears…
But none of them are answered…
So now I have to ask myself “why bother”
As yet another tear slip now my face
All alone again…

Monday, August 2, 2010

The Role of a Teddy Bear

The Role of a Teddy Bear

By: Kelly

You talk I listen

You share with me your happiness
I know your joy
I hear your fears
I feel your sadness
I see every tear that slip from your eyes

I know you
The real you
The side you never show your friends
The side your parents do not know
The one where you are most vulnerable

I want to comfort you when you’re sad
Put my arms around you when you're scared
But I can’t...
Every time
All I can do is watch helplessly
Doing nothing
Saying nothing
It pains me to see you like this

But each time you pull through
I see you wipe your tears away
Smile at me
And hug me close
You whisper in my ear
"I’ll be alright"
And I sigh another breath of relief...

To be loved

To be loved

By: Kelly

We all know that feeling
We’ve seen it on T.V
Watched it in movies
Read it in romance novels
And sometimes seen the magic happen in real life

We all want it
To be loved,
And treasured by someone else
To become the most important part of someone else’s world

We all want to be cared for,
To be caressed and told that we are loved.
The feeling of safety,
Lying in someone’s arms.

To be loved
To be cherished
To be treasured
To be…. the one… and the only
